Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Tomorrow's going to be a good day; supposedly I'm gonna re-enlist.

In short it means that I'm bringing my good wooden chess set (Rob, you'd flip over this thing) and after taking care of a few odds and ends, plan to go through with the ceremony then cash in my liberty chit and go play chess and sip lates with friends till my blood turns to liquid caffeine.

Also, my Senior Chief came through for me in spades today... The command was going to give me a letter of extension on my old eval instead of issueing a transfer eval, which would mean that I wouldn't get credit for anything I've been doing since January. I talked to a number of people to try to take care of it, but it wasn't until they had all run into an administrative wall that I called on the big guns. I wasn't sure what I expected, but it sure wasn't what actually happened. Senior laid HANDS on people, and within a matter of minutes my transfer eval was back on track and my faith in the chain of command stood restored.

Monday, May 29, 2006

As much as I griped about Blogger, I got bored at WordPress with not being able to play around with my template...

Having said that, I'm back and have created a new template to celebrate.
Yeah it probably still looks like the old template to you because they haven't worked out replication issues on their servers; but that's ok, it looks like gold to me.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I'm trying out a new blog...

Catch my new blog at

What can I say, if it doesn't work out I'll be back, but I have a good feeling about it so far.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

So Holly (not berries, the frozen one) moved to a new blog. I haven't updated my link yet, but you can find her here. I can't say that I blame her, and if they ever fixed their stupid commenting system to allow haloscan or anonymous comments I might just follow her over. For now, I'm stayin here and will have to content myself with a new color scheme.

Monday, May 22, 2006

I finally got around to watching Jarhead, and about five minutes into it decided that it was going to be a flop of a moive. In spite of this I kept watching it waiting for that magic "aha" moment where it would suddenly make sense and reveal some hidden truth about the tragedy of the human condition. Maybe it happened when I fell asleep, maybe it happened when I went to make popcorn, but probably it just didn't happen at all.

O, wait! I guess it did have one hidden truth at the very end, one which I would be only to happy to reveal. The truth is it this movie is so much worse than I though possible, don't even waste your time.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

So I qualified as an expert with both rifle and pistol last
week. To be honest, it was kind of a surprise to me. Although I did it last
time too I figured it was just a lucky accident, but two times in a row
just can't be ignored.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I've always found introspection to be interesting. ;D

I also discovered that I wanted to wish someone a Happy Birthday back in late February, but forgot, and that I really should check my Gmail account more often. I realized that I like funk, and shouldn't eat jalapenos, black olives, green peppers and salsa on my taco wrap if I plan to spend the afternoon in an enclosed space. Also, I realized that even though I want to buy a convertable this summer, I should probably opt for the econo-car that gets five times the milage.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

So a priate walks into a bar with a ships wheel down the front of his pants...
The bartender looks at him and asks: You do realize there's a ships wheel down the front of your pants, right?
To which the pirate replies: Arrrgh I know, It's driving me nuts!

So, you know what drives me nuts?
People who post on my college comment board with either hasty generalizations or oppinions that have no factual basis in reality.
Currently, we're discussing the subject of child molestation. The average comment is that it is a disease without a cure and that we need to lock them up, kill them, or both in that order. Although there was one guy who advocated beating them with a bat after they're arrested but before you kill them.

My two cents:
1) Surgical castration has been shown to reduce the recidivism rate to 3% and chemical castration reduces it to 5%.
2)At the point where we lock them up the damage has already been done and we need to be proactive in stoping this before it happens by becoming harsher on child pornographers, and educating the public in things they can do that will help to make their kids harder targets for prospective child molesters.

Nobody wants to hear that though, they just want to kill the molesters after they've done the damage.
I agree that it's a horible crime that totally destroys an inocent life, and I firmly believe that even one relaps into vicimizing a child is two to many. And if you want to kill them then that's on you, but don't use knee-jerk made up numbers, and facts that you pull out of your bum to justify murdering someone who commits these acts when there are other, proven, ways to deal with the problem.

So, do you think I'm being to naive here?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Hmm what to post, what to post, what to post...

O, I know. The newest issue of Mental Floss came in the mail today. Speaking of that, I've only read it once and believe it's time for a second perusal.

Friday, May 05, 2006

I saw MI-3 with a friend last night!

By the time we arived the showing we wanted to see was sold out. The next showing was almost sold out too, but we managed to grab two of the last few tickets available. Of course this put us front row left, which made the perspective on Tom Cruiz's nose hairs rather interesting. None the less, this movie was better by far than I was expecting; in fact, I actually enjoyed it.

O yeah, I almost forgot. Did you know that although Ichi Ban may look like german, it's actually Japanese for "Number One"?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Guess what I just found...
It's the HMS Ocean Ace!