Chief: Schaefer, what a huge office you have... You in here all by yourself?
Me: No Chief, GM2 Simmons sits right over there. Out of curiosity, why do you ask?
Chief: The Warrant was over scoping out my office this morning, he's moving in and I need to find a new space for myself and two YN's. You're office is really nice...
Me: It's really not that nice Chief, there's no way to lock the door, none of the filing cabinets lock either, you'd have no way to keep all your sensitive stuff secured.
Chief: (Laughing) I think I'm gonna like this office, it's really nice... and there's so much room.
This is the fourth office I've had since January. Every time I get into a new space and set everything up the way I like it, somebodies gotta come along and snatch the productivity right out from under me.
I guess it's not so bad, maybe my next office will have a door that locks. God help them if it does! I'd lock that sucker, put on the headphones and not come out till the day was over, the network was down, or I had to track down some unfortunate overling and apply the ikkyo grip of my virtuous will.
But I digress...