Thursday, August 04, 2005

To clear up confusion from my last post...

'duty station' is where I'm stationed for work. Currently this is Bahrain.
'Next duty station' means the place I want to work at when I'm done at my current duty station.
I had 2.5 years left when I set foot on Bahrain, so after one year here I'll have one and a half left.
Most billets come in one or two or three year increments. In order to get to my next duty station I will have to choose one year orders and extend for six months or choose two year orders and obliserve (add time to my total overall time in service) for an additional six months in order to fulfill the two year requirement.
originally I did want to stay in Bahrain for the rest of my time in the Navy, but for a number of reasons I've decided to make the most of my remaining active duty time. There are currently four duty stations I'm looking at possibly trying to pick orders to: San Diego, Rhoda Spain, or now this Riverine Group, although I don't know if they'll be up and running soon enough for me to get orders with them before my time is up.
I want orders to San Diego because I hear from everyone who's been there that it's a rough command where you a lot of real cop work and I would actually have a chance to obtain a license through the San Diego P.D. and work with them in a reservist status.
I want orders to Rhoda, Spain because I've never been to Spain and hear it's nice. Also, it's a slower, quite command and I would have a good chance to advance with my schoolwork. Where I currently have little time for academics in Bahrain I would have a lot of time to devote in Rhoda.

Also, I made it the three miles yesterday with only a little bit of trouble.

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Kung Fu Quote Of The Day!!!
"Suck the coffin mushroom now..."

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I think I may have found my next duty station.

Also, I have to start running again. :(
I'm in good enough shape that I can do our PRT now without having to worry about it, but the Navy is going to get harder with it's standards pretty soon and I want to be ready when it does. Towards that end everybody I know has been running at least three miles for their PT and although I've been trying to avoiding it, I can feel capitulation right around the corner.

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Kung Fu Quote Of The Day!!!
"You're a bad guy, where's your library card?"

Monday, August 01, 2005

The weather today is awesome! It's only 90 and has such a low humidity that it actually feels like 90!!!
I saw a seashell in this empty lot as I was walking the other day and it struck me as peculiar. I immediately felt a kinship with the thing for we were both obviously foreigners to these sun blasted flats. At any rate I picked it up and brought it home. People here laugh at the though of pocketing anything so worthless as a seashell, but we don't have a whole lot of them where I'm from and I guess you could say it's kind of a novelty.

It looks like I won't be riding a horse any time soon, the weather is just too hot for it right now. Cooler times are just a few months away so I'm holding out hope that a reprieve from this heat is still out there somewhere.

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Kung Fu Quote Of The Day!!!
"Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person."